Specification Documentation, Version 1.0

SMS Messaging

Sending messages with our API is very easy. It offers a way to send messages to your customers or partners using a POST Request.

The API accepts JSON request payload and returns JSON encoded response.


Sending Message (POST)


Options Required Description
api_key (string) yes Your generated api key which can be found when you explore your profile
senderID (string) yes Sender ID which has been approved by CBMessaging 
to (string) yes Number(s) to which the message will be delivered e.g. (026 354 8521). Multiple numbers should eb separated by a comma(,) e.g 0263548521,0544874686
msg (string) yes This is the content of the message to be delivered. 
at (datetime) no This option gives you the flexibility of scheduling the message, thus choose when the message is to be delivered to the recipients.


Sample Response:


    "message""Message Successfully Queued",


